
Album / Tutkushskaya '1995

          Note. Tutkushskaya cave is located in the Altay region, Iolgo ridge. The cave entrance is approximately 7 km away from Urluaspak village. Depth 200m, length 1.4 km. Difficulty degree: 2b (Soviet system).

          This trip has officially marked the birthday of the Diggers order. Let's face it: for all the civilized cavers, 1995 represents the beginning of new Era. Due to consistent alcoholic intoxication during early diggers years, it's hard to remember specific trip details. The only thing that remains is a legend: One dark night The Team boarded the local train. And each one was brave and strong like a giant. (Well, one was a freaken dwarf, but that's not important right now). Those tough times were not for the week, rain, which lasted for more than two weeks, turned approach into mud fight. Low prices on vodka at the Urluaspak village made it impossible to find a local who can lift his finger to show directions. They found the cave, and three strongest men went inside to find the way to the bottom. They got down to the base grotto and next day all of the diggers went in. Water level was so high – nobody will believe diggers what they saw. They reached the "Great Grotto" and looked around: earth surface was left far above, a huge system is just ahead of them, may be 20, may be 30 meters of swimming in cold water. They had no choice but to return. So the Tradition was established: since then diggers never go to the end, even if they can, they touch first, then return once more and conquer. They rule! This was the moment of excitement when the first Digger was borned. Hard to tell how this could happened exactly: five men and two women, wearing full gear, in the cold sticky mud. This was done anyway and became the legend.

Scheme (31kB gif)
