
Album / Diggers Bottom '2000

          Note. Yaschik Pandory (Pandora's Box) cave located in Khakasia, 4 km from the village of Malaja Syja. Depth −180m, length 10km. Difficulty degree: 3B (Soviet system)

          After the not so successful first trip to Pandora's Box, we managed to find the cave topo. This time we were smart! As a result we knew what we wanted and we did it. Three diggers made it to the bottom, traversed the "Long Lake" and took the fun underground boat ride in the "Bezymyannoe" ("Unnamed") lake. We reached "Left system" than and crawled into "North Pole" grotto.
          This trip was an anniversary one. Exactly five years ago the first digger was borned in Tutkushskaya cave by group of Fathers and Mothers of diggerism. Hard to believe in that cave-porn, but true.

Scheme, plan and profile (126kB gif)
